Inferiority Complex

And now le rant time

((Warning if you suffer from an inferiority complex or are one of those people who think they are special, you may get offended. In case you do, please hit the report button and complain to the Face Book Admins in hopes that they may have a fuck to give and take the post down.))

This time we talk about people who think that their perfection in a specific subject makes them intellectually special compared to everyone else. They see everyone else as intellectually inferior for using a word wrongly or not being able to perform a mathematical equation as fast as they can.

In this world inferiority should not judged based on the use of words or numbers. A person who is a mechanical or technical engineer can be focused on said skills all their life, but may fail in the use of English. By this logic, anyone who does not speak English correctly or misuses a word wrongly is intellectually inferior to you, therefore you basically are saying that in order for a human being to be intellectual, they must be a perfected speaker or typist. This however makes no sense, as some great inventions came from people who do not speak English at all. 

Point being, the true intellectual does not go around bragging or demeaning against others, a true intellectual is an educator who is humble and willing to help others learn as a servant of knowledge. You’re not an intellectual, you’re a child who has a inferiority complex who needs to learn how to relax and not take yourself so seriously. Because when you do take things over the top and fall down the path of generalization or attempting to “Wave your E-Peen” around, you only aid in the problem that is mass ignorance.

Let us attempt a simple lesson shall we? Mental Retardation is a lack of normal development of intellectual capacities that can be a major hindrance to learning. Not to be confused with autism. When people utilize the term “retarded” as an insult, chances are good that they are using it to basically say “You (Sir or Ma’am) are incapable of fully understanding and most likely need clinical help due to your severe inability to learn. 

Now then take that into consideration. You may have valid points but bickering or trying to play the “Who is the smartest” game is silly, a waste of time, and proves nothing of merit. Everyone needs to work together to share ideas and knowledge as equals. Diversity should never be used as a way to cut ties or demean someone, instead we need to use our diversity to become more educated.

End of le rant.

Life is so bad?


((Warning some things may be offensive, if you get butthurt, please go fuck yourself :D))
What is with people crying about their lives nowadays? Your life sucks? But you can use the internet? Must be hard as fuck magically getting on the internet while searching for water to drink, with no cloths on, orphaned, possibly raped daily, starving, and can barley walk anymore. Yeah there are people who got it far fucking worse. Ethiopian children got it better than some people on earth. Human Trafficking and Forced prostitution are a real life thing that happens to hundreds of women and children and even some men around the world. No internet access, no protection, no way to defend themselves, no way feasible way to escape, and no future at all except for being drugged up and shackled to a bed to get fucked all day and night long. What about the torture Dolls? They get it far worse. Instead of just being raped all day, they also deal with sick sadists who come in to torture for the pure thrill of being “God” over someones body and life. Or how about women who are forced breeders since they were just little girls? Point is. YES this shit really happens in the real world. So unless you’re one of these people, shut the fuck up.

If you’re reading this right now, chances are good that you’re not any of the people mentioned above, you probably have a roof over your head or have a safe place to go to, you probably have food to eat or have a dumpster you can go find food in, chances are also good that you have at least ONE person to fall back on, if not there are shelters and safe houses that ANYONE can go to, oh and let us not forget that you also can always use a payphone or beg to enough people to use a phone to call the police or an ambulance, you don’t get to sit around and say your life sucks. Oh did your BFF commit suicide? Did daddy put it in your pooper? Did husband beat you? Got called a racial slur? Got sexualized by some perverts while walking to the bar? Shut up, you can recover and move on, some people CAN”T because they will never have the choice to do so.

Rant over 

Priorities Rant

Rant time again oh no!

(Warning the following may offend ignorant children who are either sexist pigs, idiots, extremists, anti-scientists, or anti-feminists. If you’re offended please take a dosage of “Get over it” anally.)

So you like to sit back and call women (Or even men) whores? Well let us have a nice lecture about the more important points of this.

There is nothing wrong with being a whore. Some people wish to live like that and overall it is relatively harmless just as long as they get properly checked and utilize protection. Those with STDs should only have sexual interaction with people who have the same STDs as to contain the overall issue of STDs. The only people who get upset about “Whores” are either religious extremists, ignorant children, jealous people, blind traditionalism. In the world of education and science, a person being a whore has no effect on the important things in life, just like sexual orientation,gender, race, religious faith(If any) are all just small things that should hold no major meaning. Example- Lesbian Female who bangs every woman she can bang can still be both a great friend on a human level and also be a damn fine soldier when the need for a good medic arises. Donates regularly and can empathize easily with almost anyone. Bad person or good person? Overall the verdict is “Just another meat bag on earth living out it’s life.”

Often times people go by first impressions. A group of people dancing in skimpy outfits does not make them literal “Whores” in fact my roomie is a dancer and she don’t do anything sexual for money. No Dancing is not a sexual action, grow up. Back to the point however, first judgments tend to be normally wrong due to the massive lack of understanding of what is going on in a persons life or how they was raised, how they got so far, how they survived hardships, how they deal with the worst parts of life, and of course they overall being. No one has a right to sit back and “Play God”, instead you should be asking questions, researching answers, developing new means for society to manifest into a structure not built on “sheeping” people.

In fact it would be a waste of time for people to do that when there are far more important things that need to be done. Go install solar arrays, go work in mechanical engineering, go volunteer for humanitarian missions, try something that actually helps people instead of demeans them, make toys for kids, help fight against human trafficking, help in the fight against poaching, become a “Holy Person” and spread the good word if that is your thing. Life is full of joy and sorrow, and moving on is the biggest thing we all need to do. But we also need to help others move on with us if we as a species are to ever become something great in this test of time.

So the next time you want to be a dick and say things like “Whore”, “Fatass”, “Skinny bitch”, “Slut”, “Cracker”, “Nigger”, “Spick”, “Wasp”, “Sweatback”, “Filthy Atheist”, “Filthy Creationist”, “Redskin”, “PETA Lover”, “Murderous Meat Eater”, or any other label just based on first impressions from a photo or a first date, just remember you have no idea what happens in that persons life on a daily basis. Some of them may even be victims who need help and your cold words may just push them past their breaking point. And don’t pull the “Oh why should I care” bit, that makes you look like an apathetic scumbag who probably needs clinical help.

Rant over 

Rise into Apathy.

Absence of empathy-((Disclaimer, some things said may be highly offensive to all parties. Read at your own discretion as this is a research article done by me to test the mentality of both myself and others. Enjoy. Due note this is not directed to every single person of any race, religion, gender, point of view, creed, moral compass, or whatever the fuck else you can attempt to make this a hate crime over. Also I am horrible at grammar/punctuation so there you have it.))

For many years humans as a majority have remained cruel, hostile, violent, and worst of all apathetic to the world around them. Let us go on a journey into reality, where tears are shed by those who can scream and by those who cannot, into a world where everyone is equally vile because no one has the guts to stand up or fight for a cause that is real and not some pathetic conspiracy theory lead on.

To the start-To be in bed with greed, raped by power, and put away by war.

Why are all humans as a majority apathetic? Because of a few simple reasons, the main one being the “Well if it don’t harm me why should I care” mentality, while the truth is, it does cause you pain without you realizing it because you turn a blind eye to suffering be it human or something other than human. Take for example, in major cities if you walk down a street and hear a woman or little girl or boy crying for help while several men are about to brutalize and may even rape the victim, most of you would simply walk away because you fear getting killed. Most wouldn’t even call the cops because they are in a hurry to go jump on facebook or meet a new fuckbuddy at McFatasses. But this is not the worst thing you let happen to victims, people BLAME victims as well for what happened to them. For example, a woman who just became single dresses up very provocatively and puts on her best face to go out and play. When she gets raped by a sick pervert she gets blamed for what happened because of how she was dressed. Thus giving power to sick perverts and allowing more suffering to happen.

Another example of human lack of empathy is that most of you follow insane traditions or extreme views like racism or sexism or war mindsets. Look at 9/11, every redneck around was saying things like “We need to go to war and kill us some sand niggers” or shit like “We should nuke them all!” or from the brainwashed troopers who like me where young kids during 9/11 only to go to war years later thinking or saying things like “Fuckem, kill the kids and women too” or shit like “I’ll just kill who I want and say I was in fear for my life. In reality this is horrible, illogical, cruel, and overall pathetic. Why? because peoples children, husbands, and wives die on both sides of ever war, people don’t realize the mental suffering either that happens to those who come home from war or have witnessed war at any point in their life, then when a person goes insane their own family and friends treat them like a lunatic and kick them out or send them to a place like a VA medical ward when they are not ready or never try to be really supportive which can lead to suicides, homicides, abuse of different types or all of the above, and when people hear about it they always tell themselves “It won’t happen to me” or “Oh my *whateverthefuck* isn’t that bad off” or “Well he looks okay” or “Oh it was made up.” which is yet again apathetic. This also includes racism and sexism. When you say cracker or nigger or spick or waspe or sweatback or anything that is indeed used to identify a person based on their genetic bloodline you REINFORCE the problem of HATE, when you refer to women as bitches, sluts, whores, cunts, sammich makers, sex toys, pussy, or whatever you enforce more sexism in other people. Now why you may ask does this make other people follow down the same road? because most people want to fit in with this or that click. A person who is not openly sexist or racist will be more open if they are around people they like who are openly racists get it? This works well with religious extremism or anti-religious extremism.

Now for Greed, good ol greed. Greed is a great example of human apathetic mindsets. There is not much to put here except that people who are well off hardly ever notice those who are suffering with financial situations, and would do nothing to help out. I am not talking about the dumb ass redneck family with 12 kids or the ghetto rats who do the same for the sake of welfare and try to make it by living off the system, I am talking about hard working men and women who have 2 jobs and still can’t afford to pay rent, pay for school, pay for gas, pay for food to get by at the end of the month. The greedy care nothing for the poor or middle-class, they know they are set for life and hold onto their riches with vanity so strong they would probably kill themselves if they lost it all in a fire. This being said, greed is also a major issue because of a lot of defending and a lot of screwing over needed programs like education boards, updated school material, science and research programs, medical research programs, and many other things that are NEEDED. Instead we continue with fossil fuels or clean coal or some other shit that actually destroys the environment and causes a fall in overall health for animals human or otherwise.

Now ask yourself after reading all that. Would you at least TRY to save the woman about to be violated? Would you try to save the soldier about to put a bullet in his head? Would you hand the hard working parents who will be behind in bills a small loan to help them out? Or hand the freezing homeless person a cheap jacket from a salvation army or other thrift store? Would you fall to your knees and pray to a god that will not save you, or will you fight like the animal you are to protect yourself and your family? Would you be a racist and follow in the footsteps of those you like, or would you tell them to shut the fuck up and grow the fuck up? Would you break the arm of the man who abuses his wife, or shatter the jaw of the woman who beats her children like abused dogs, or would you snap the legs of the human who tortures animals? What would you do? What would your god do? What you your followers or the people you follow do? How would you deal with death that came right into your eyes? How would you scream if you was the victim, how would you feel if no one came to help but you know someone walked by ignoring your screams? How would you feel to be that child who gets beaten every night, or how would you feel to be the woman who is slapped around like a rag doll, or feel to be that dog or cat or some other animal who gets kicked around like a scapegoat? What would you do if you was the bad guy after reading this? Would you go back to doing your crime? Or would you feel mortified? These are the questions we must ask ourselves, for there is some form of criminal in all of us no matter who you are. All humans have lied about something, cheated at something, hid something, cried in pain, cried in joy. Would you blame the victim? Spit in her face? Violate her like she just was? How would it feel to have a mercury thermometer shoved down your urethra then shattered inside of you by some twisted fuck who gets off on watching you beg and scream, kicking like a kitten caught under a tire because a human didn’t think? Did you laugh at your sister when daddy hurt her? Did you laugh at the only black child in school when a couple of rednecks put a rope to his neck to threaten him? Would you watch the world burn or help the world learn?

To the end- What if….

Despite all of this, do you know what humans are able to do? We can heal each other, love each other, hold each other, save a life, wipe away someones tears, help a person open up to joy and peace, adopt and care for an abused animal or child, help in scientific research to find ways to better not just our lives but the planet itself, we are all beautiful as we are ugly. We may be worthless in the big scheme of the universe, but here on our planet that we have, we need to grow up and move on to a better future for not just ourselves, but for our future generations. We can be more than what we have, for the good.