Life is so bad?


((Warning some things may be offensive, if you get butthurt, please go fuck yourself :D))
What is with people crying about their lives nowadays? Your life sucks? But you can use the internet? Must be hard as fuck magically getting on the internet while searching for water to drink, with no cloths on, orphaned, possibly raped daily, starving, and can barley walk anymore. Yeah there are people who got it far fucking worse. Ethiopian children got it better than some people on earth. Human Trafficking and Forced prostitution are a real life thing that happens to hundreds of women and children and even some men around the world. No internet access, no protection, no way to defend themselves, no way feasible way to escape, and no future at all except for being drugged up and shackled to a bed to get fucked all day and night long. What about the torture Dolls? They get it far worse. Instead of just being raped all day, they also deal with sick sadists who come in to torture for the pure thrill of being “God” over someones body and life. Or how about women who are forced breeders since they were just little girls? Point is. YES this shit really happens in the real world. So unless you’re one of these people, shut the fuck up.

If you’re reading this right now, chances are good that you’re not any of the people mentioned above, you probably have a roof over your head or have a safe place to go to, you probably have food to eat or have a dumpster you can go find food in, chances are also good that you have at least ONE person to fall back on, if not there are shelters and safe houses that ANYONE can go to, oh and let us not forget that you also can always use a payphone or beg to enough people to use a phone to call the police or an ambulance, you don’t get to sit around and say your life sucks. Oh did your BFF commit suicide? Did daddy put it in your pooper? Did husband beat you? Got called a racial slur? Got sexualized by some perverts while walking to the bar? Shut up, you can recover and move on, some people CAN”T because they will never have the choice to do so.

Rant over